Yarn: Rosy Cotton 4 1/5 balls
Needles: Clover #3 crochet hook
Japanese pattern (Joey's knit along)
Duration:4 days
Since I like last rosy bolero very much,it is very practical for me in summer.I decided to crochet another one.But this one won't be totally the same as the last one,I thought.Thus the sleeves edging and bottom hem were made some modifications as the following pic.And two crocheted strings was replaced two buttons called for the pattern.Now that it looks a bit different from the rosy bolero.

After I finish this bolero,there are still many leftover yarns.Several days ago,in my LYS,I saw a sample of little purse.It looked very cute and was so impressive.Though making a purse never come up in my mind before,I would like to try and adverture it this time.

Crocheting the two ouside flowers is not hard but sewing the lining is difficult for me.I am always bad in sewing.This cotton cloth looks matching the yarn color well so I chose it.My LYS owner taught me how to do a good lining.I was like a kid learning a new thing ,and so afraid to be pricked but of course it did happen many times yet an unforgetable experience.

Having this amazing experience,I would like to make another little purses next time again .I just can't resist the cuteness(but just small ones,not big purses. sewing a lining took me more times of time than knitting outside pattern).